Taipei Travel: Yomi Hotel Review

I am a researcher by profession, I also graduated with honors Bachelors in Science in TOURISM. I used to dream to be a tour guide, a travel coordinator, an agent. That part of my dream did not happen ... ( read original story ...)

Tracking Taiwan’s black bear population

In the foothills leading to Dasyueshan National Park in eastern Taiwan, Mei-Hsiu Hwang points to the pear, tea and betel nut plantations patchworking the slopes. "All this used to be bear habitat," ... ( read original story ...)

Tracking Taiwan’s dwindling bear population

In the foothills leading to Taishueshan National Park in eastern Taiwan, Mei-Hsiu Hwang points to the pear, tea and betel nut plantations patchworking the slopes. "All this used to be bear habitat," ... ( read original story ...)