Chinese TV Shows How Taiwan Invasion Would Look

A documentary series released by Chinese state media has imagined what an invasion of Taiwan by China might look like. The 20-minute sixth episode of Quenching, aired by China Central Television, features a nationalistic display of military power ...

Parrot reunited with owner in New Taipei

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — An animal shelter operated by the New Taipei City Government issued a press release on Monday (Sept. 16) saying it responded to a citizen’s request in Zhonghe to assist with the return of a green parrot that had flown into their home.

US sends ‘unserviceable’ military arms to Taiwan

The United States sent faulty military items to Taiwan including mouldy armour and expired ammunition. Most military equipment that suffered water damage was delivered from November 2023 through March 2024. They remained at the aerial port of embarkation for more than three months pending air transport to Taiwan.