Financial exposure of Taiwan companies to ASEAN increases

Taipei, Aug. 19 (CNA) Taiwan financial holding companies' exposure to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) grew by more than NT$100 billion (US$3.29 billion) in the year since June 2016, according statistics released Saturday by the Financial ... ( read original story ...)

Taking in Taipei’s colours and landmarks

It is onward for about five kilometres to Taipei 101, the financial/shopping skyscraper shaped like a gigantic stalk of bamboo. It’s the tallest building in Taiwan at 508 metres and was the world’s tallest when completed in 2004. We zero in on the ... ( read original story ...)

Ubiquiti Investors Seek OK On $6.8M Deal Ending IPO Suit

Saudi Arabia and elsewhere were adversely affecting the company's business model at the time of the IPO, and Ubiquiti was particularly susceptible to counterfeiters because it both relied on contract manufacturers in China and Taiwan and used distributors ... ( read original story ...)

Khánh Hòa Sanest Beverage Co to launch IPO

If the IPO succeeds, the company’s charter capital will be VNĐ330 ... Besides exporting products to the United States, mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Khánh Hòa Salangane Nests Company has also set up branches in other ASEAN countries. ( read original story ...)

Protectionism heralds new world for Taiwan

Figure 1: Breakdown of Taiwan’s principal export destinations Figure 2: Breakdown of Taiwan’s major exports Source: The Ministry of Finance; Yuanta Investment Consulting Source: The Ministry of Finance; Yuanta Investment Consulting Hamstrung by China ... ( read original story ...)

Only 14% of financial funds in Taiwan are managed by women

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Only 14 percent of financial funds in Taiwan are managed by women, according to a new report looking at gender equality in the financial sector. The figure is around average globally, below the best performers like Spain (22 percent) and ... ( read original story ...)

Taiwan Bourse May Extend Losing Streak

Taiwan Cement retreated 1.01 percent, Fubon Financial tumbled 1.87 percent, Mega Financial dropped 1.65 percent and Cathay Financial gave away 1.63 percent. The lead from Wall Street is weak as stocks moved sharply lower on Thursday as the NASDAQ and S&P ... ( read original story ...)

Novena surprises with Taiwan IPO

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