Filipino radio program airs weekly in Taiwan

TAIPEI, Taiwan – A Filipino radio program has been hitting the airwaves in Taiwan since February 2016. It is hosted by Jay Rose Ho or simply ‘Kaibigang Jay’, a daughter of a Filipina overseas worker w... ( read original story ...)

Eat to the beat of modern and ancient Taiwan

Clouds of smoke and neon lights beckon customers to stalls and tables laden down with dumplings, noodles and - for the more adventurous - chicken heads, pig's blood cake and the appropriately named st... ( read original story ...)

Tables from Taiwan

WHEN CHAROEN Pokphand Group - Thailand’s largest agribusiness and food conglomerate – joined forces with Taiwan’s leading hotel and restaurant operator HiLai, the result was bound to be delicious. A m... ( read original story ...)

Rough straits in the China-Taiwan relationship

Regarding the Feb. 26 news article “Taiwan’s 2020 election campaign is all about Washington vs. Beijing”: The article said Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen may have signaled that Taiwan is “a bulwark ... ( read original story ...)

FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 Index

FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 Index is a capitalization-weighted index of stocks comprises 50 companies listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange developed by Taiwan Stock Exchange in collaboration with FTSE. Serves ... ( read original story ...)

Taipei Biennial

View of Tue Greenfort’s installation Prototaxites, 2017–18, mixed mediums, in the Taipei Biennial. “Post-Nature—A Museum as an Ecosystem,” the eleventh Taipei Biennial, promotes an expansive notion of ... ( read original story ...)