eSwatini – Taiwan’s last friend in Africa

China has tried to win over eSwatini repeatedly, but the tiny kingdom, previously known as Swaziland, is staying with Taiwan for "diplomatic and political morality" even though it is left standing alo... ( read original story ...)

Taiwan man fined for sending cat in post

A man has been fined in Taiwan for sending a cat that he no longer wanted via an express postal service, it's reported. According to the UDN news website, a 33-year-old man surnamed Yang was fined NT$... ( read original story ...)

Commentary: Will China go to war over Taiwan?

In the first week of 2019, as China grabbed headlines for landing a spacecraft on the far side of the moon, a New Year’s Day editorial in the nation’s official military newspaper told its readers that ... ( read original story ...)


Taipei’s eclectic bar scene, vibrant night markets and relaxed vibe has made it one of Asia’s trendiest destinations. We touched down in Taipei with one goal for the night – to indulge in world-class ... ( read original story ...)